Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area
5010 N Jugtown Road, Morris, IL 60450
Bird & Eagle Watching

Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area is a dedicated nature preserve that provides protection for endangered or threatened wildlife.
Goose Lake Prairie State Natural Area serves as testimony to the prairies that once covered nearly 60 percent of Illinois. The prairie provides important nesting habitat for endangered or threatened species of birds, such as the upland sandpiper and Henslows sparrow. Prairie View Trail takes you to the highest point in Goose Lake and offers a panoramic view of reclaimed mine areas, prairie and prairie marsh. The Tall Grass Nature Trail displays the largest stand of tall grass prairie remaining in Illinois. Cragg Cabin at Goose Lake Prairie stands as a monument to the pioneer spirit. Each year the Prairie Partners hold a cabin festival that attracts crafters who do things that the pioneers in 1830 would need to do to survive. Each season there is plenty of natural beauty to witness at Goose Lake Prairie State National Area.