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Stade's Farm & Market

3709 Miller Road, McHenry, IL 60051


Stade's Farm & Market is located in scenic McHenry County in Northeastern Il, approximately 50 miles from Chicago. Throughout the summer, the farm is popular for u-pick fruits & vegetables including strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes, & pumpkins!

Stade’s Farm & Market is located in scenic McHenry County approximately 50 miles Northwest of Chicago. Stade’s grows fresh fruits and vegetables that are marketed directly to consumers through our Farm Market.  We have homegrown broccoli, beets, cucumbers, green beans, zucchini, sugar snap peas, onions, peppers, potatoes, sweet corn, tomatoes, watermelon, cantaloupe and blueberries, peaches and raspberries (while supplies last) available in the market. We also carry a large selection of unique, specialty foods and gifts available for purchase.In Fall, Farmtractions Theme Park will be open weekends only. The theme park includes a petting zoo, corn maze, giant slides, hayrides, (when pumpkins are ready to pick) and a large variety of unique attractions. Our fall festival Shades of Autumn is a harvest time extravaganza featuring 30+ farm-related attractions, pumpkin picking, great food and lots of fun.

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